India Relief and Education Fund (IREF) is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) California based non-profit organization that raises funds for disater relief in India and supports India related social awareness education activities in India and in the U.S. IREF stands for a socially just, secular, democratic and united India. Donations for donor specified organizations in India, consistent with IREF's objectives, are welcome.
Please support the work of IREF with your tax-deductible contributions. There are many ways you can contribute.
1. By check mailed directly to 2. By contributing Online 

India Relief & Education Fund
P.O. Box 14360
Fremont, CA 94539
3. By donating your used car. PLEASE NOTE: As of January 1, 2005, the donor may not be able to claim the fair market value of the car (in excess of $500) as tax deduction. The deduction amount will be limited to the actual sale price of the car, which is much less than the fair market value since car donation processing businesses auction cars at much lower prices. Check IRS Publication 4303 (A Donor's Guide to Car Donations) for recent changes in the law. Click here for other details.
IREF supports the following organizations among many others.
Please support IREF with a donation today.